Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sand in my Pocket

Carpenters @ Work!

Are you there Erica?

Sand Muffins

Princess Zoe

Rolling down the slope!

Monster Painting

Balancing Boarders

Keeping Active at Preschool

New Friends @ Preschool

Matching Activities

Welcome New Friends!

Tricky Balancing

Enjoying the Swings

Caterpillar Spotters!

Chrysalis Spotting

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Remaining Focused

Beautiful Lydia

I am a Helicopter

Catching the big one

I am an Astronaut

Learning to Swing

Getting wet and wild!

Way to go Janell

I am a Builder

I can write my name

Collage Car

Play Dough Spaghetti

Water Play with Junya

F is for Fly

Taking Her "Time"

Name Writing

Four Little Monkeys